Jorge Flores
“Imagination is more important than knowledge.” – Albert Einstein
Jorge is an Aztec Mexican who was born in the state of Morelos, although he primarily grew up in Brooklyn, New York. Jorge is a graduate of The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, where he earned a 5-year Bachelor of Architecture degree in 2017 as a Gates’ Millennium Scholar. Jorge moved to Seattle after graduating to be closer to his foster family. He finds pleasure in wandering through cities, improving his mechanical art skills, and searching for bargains on eBay.
Jorge joined Rolluda Architects in the spring of 2018. He worked on one of the firm’s high profile and diverse projects, the Filipino Village Center which is still in the phase two process. In addition, Jorge collaborated with a former Cooper Union classmate to develop and manufacture an architectural model for an exhibition at The Museum of Modern Art in New York City.