Lynnwood Link Extension Shoreline North
185th Station and Garage | sound transit
The Shoreline North/ 185th Station and Garage is part of Sound Transit’s Light Rail extension from Northgate Station to Lynnwood Transit Center. It is one of four stations on the Link Extension.
The steel-framed station has an at-grade, side platform configuration. The NE 185th Street entrance and ticket vending area at the south end of the station lead to elevators and glass-enclosed stairs down to the platform. A glass-enclosed stair/pedestrian over-crossing structure with elevators provides patron access to the far side platform at the north end of the station. The ticket vending kiosks are clad with bright color porcelain enamel metal panels which assist in wayfinding. The 500-vehicle parking garage is constructed of cast in place concrete with a perforated metal panel screening system that will incorporate a design by the station artist.
There are two levels of parking with a bus transit loop on the roof of the garage. The bicycle storage, long term lockers and short-term racks, are provided on site.
Type: Transportation Client: Sound Transit
Location: Shoreline, WA Project Lead: Kathi Williams
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