it is time we connect inside our virtual exhibition of creative works
Richard History of Water
In recent months, we've all had to find new ways to connect with ourselves and one another. I've found myself spending more time in virtual meetings than I ever thought I would. In this collage, I use a Zoom meeting screenshot as a platform to explore what I've been processing in recent months and in some ways, my entire life. I connect my grandmother's emigration from the Philippines in 1960, Filipino American labor activism, and the movement for freedom and liberation for Black lives.
Collage content:
Left, Top: excerpt from my grandmother's travel journal.
Left, Bottom: "No history, No self" -quote from historical Filipino leader, José Rizal
Center, Top: International Longshore and Warehouse Union's (Local 37) West coast port shutdown on June 19th. in solidarity with protests over George Floyd's murder.
Center, Bottom: Names of Gene Viernes and Silme Domingo, local community organizers with ILWU, murdered by the Marcos regime in 1981.
Right, Top: 2020 vigil and demand for justice for Charleena Lyles, who was killed in her home by Seattle police officers in 2017.
Right, Bottom: A letter to Louisville, KY mayor Greg Fischer, demanding justice for Breonna Taylor, who was also murdered in her home by police officers.
Far right, Group Chat: a poem
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